Avengers 2: Is Black Widow A TRAITOR?!


Marvel’s hugely successful movie franchise continues in May 2015 with the release of Joss Whedon’s Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. 

Before the announcement of Marvel’s vast movie schedule, fans by the thousands pressured Marvel for diversity by requesting a female-led film, starring none other than actress Scarlett Johansson as ‘Avenger’ Black Widow.

Here’s what we know:


Natasha Romanoff AKA ‘Black Widow’ is a bad-ass spy with a dark past and is trying to make good by working with super spy agency S.H.I.E.L.D. and The Avengers.


Not only is she a living weapon with formidable fighting skills, but she’s a …


She’s very talented at deceiving, so talented that she fooled Loki (the “God of Lies”). And in some ways, being deceitful has been all she’s ever known – groomed as a child for espionage.

When S.H.I.E.L.D. collapsed in Captain America 2, we got to see more of Natasha’s human side.

She had long since left the “bad guys” / KGB to join the good guys at S.H.I.E.L.D. when it was secretly infiltrated by the evil organisation called Hydra, turning poor Black Widow’s world upside down! The professional liar’s life turned out to be, surprise surprise, a lie!

We felt for her. We wanted to hug her. We genuinely cared for her as she went out into a world where she struggled to belong.

But the question remains: can Black Widow be trusted?

Or is she simply taking The Avengers…

For a ride.

(I’m truly sorry, I couldn’t help myself)

Marvel Studio’s Head Producer Kevin Feige says the reason why Black Widow isn’t getting a solo film is because “she’s really the key to so much of the plot development” in Avengers 2, so could it be possible that Black Widow’s involvement is a villainous one?

A Few Possible Clues

Marvel has confirmed that Loki’s scepter is one of the cosmic Infinity Stones, handed to him by Thanos in Avengers 1 (who had a cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy, and will also be the overarching villain for Avengers 3).

So who was the last person to hold Loki’s scepter?

That scepter really matches your hair

And then where did we see Loki’s scepter next?

Dun, dun, duuuun.

… in Captain America 2‘s mid-credits scene, right in the hands of the bad guys – Hydra!

It also looks as though Loki’s scepter leads back to Black Widow again, as observed in the Avengers 2 trailer.

While it’s unlikely that she’s a Hydra agent, it could be that Black Widow’s motives are a little more selfish, separating herself from The Avengers. Or she could be an agent of Leviathan (see this article for more on Leviathan). In an alternate version of an Avengers comic titled ‘The Ultimates’, Black Widow ends up betraying The Avengers, so it’s not too far out of character for her at all.

So is Black Widow friend or foe? We shall soon see.


Edit! April 24 2015:

Sooooo after seeing Age Of Ultron it turns out I was wrong. But it was a great theory! :)


Avengers 2: Age of Ultron opens in cinemas April 23rd 2015







  • SBO says:

    I think that Tony Stark will die, because he is fighting something that he created, since Joss said Hank Pym won’t be in the movie at all.

    • Kenny Williams says:

      I’m not sure they’ll kill him off just yet, tbh. Stark is a pretty integral part to the Civil War story! But wow, if he was killed off that would send shockwaves throughout the Marvel fandom! It’d have to be done the right way, at the right time.

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