The Dead Room: A Slightly Drunk Review


Jason Stutter directed Tongan Ninja. I haven’t seen Tongan Ninja, but it looks really great. I’ll probably watch it someday. So Jason Stutter also directed this movie. This movie is a Horror Thriller filmed in New Zealand. That’s nice because I’m a bit of a patriot. Gud difind Nu Zillund.

Let’s talk about what it’s about. So, there’s these ghostbuster medium type peop-WAIT COME BACK IT’S GOOD! I PROMISE! At least stay so I can make a tea. How do you take it? Sunny side up. Okay. Where was I?

Okay sooo, ghostbuster medium type people are called to exorcise this house in Southernish of the Country (I’m guessing). They find some spooky stuff that is spooky, as is the deal with horror films. You know how it be. Held together by a cast of 3, it is skeleton but sufficient. Optimal, in fact.

Damn it. This implies I like the movie. I will never fare as Roger Ebert incarnate.

Anyhoo, Jeremy Thomas (The Hobbit) plays Scott, a rather methodical chap who likes science and thinks the paranormal is absolute bollocks. As a contrast, there is Holly (Laura Petersen), who is in tune with the spirit world and she sees crap. Like, she knows the things. Jed Brophy is Liam, the comic relief who you develop a softness for. He’s a Dad. He reads stories to his kids via Facetime and this implies that he’s not home a lot, which implies that this ghostbustery mediumy business is quite a busy one. They see a lot of cases. Scott is very cynical. With good reason.

Alright. Acting. I am now going to refer to the actors by their last names as I have previously stated their full names. That’s reviewer protocol right? Here we go. Interlaced with panning landscapes of the NewestZealands, the performances are chillingly good.

Petersen is refreshingly authentic as Holly. She is amazing in this. Outwashed and pale, her look was somewhat cliched of a Wednesday-Addams-esque type deal, but it is suitable. Optimal. I’ve already used that word. The maniacal (somewhat tempered – they are rural and sober) nature of Holly and Liam is subdued by Scott and Jeffery Thomas’s calm and poise suits it. It gives an officialness to the film. It keeps the cast together. His character’s role is exactly that.

The film itself lends to a sort of beginners anxiety – just enough to pull the strings and ensure momentum and possibly a few nightmares, but nothing to see a therapist about, really. But this is good. It means it’s enjoyable. I enjoyed it.

I probably enjoy everything. I had wine.

In conclusion, it’s easy to write this off as just another pumped up Halloween launch horror, but it’s actually more than that. It’s fun. It’s terrifying. It’s very good inebriated. I enjoyed it so much, I actually plan on seeing it sober.


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