Photo by Daniel Bernhardt
‘Heidi Moneymaker’ sounds like the name of an ultimate fighter or a badass spy and that’s not too far from the truth.
Moneymaker (that’s her real name) is a professional stunt performer with a
very impressive resumé, having performed stunts in many action-packed films such as
Mr. & Mrs. Smith,
Mission Impossible III,
Suckerpunch and has even stunt doubled for Drew Barrymore in
Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle.
One of Moneymaker’s most signature roles has been doubling Scarlett Johansson as the master spy and assassin-turned-hero Natasha Romanoff, also known as the Black Widow. Moneymaker has worked very closely with Johansson in every Marvel film as part of the billion dollar
Avengers franchise, mentoring and collaborating with her to develop Black Widow’s unique fighting style – one that’s recognised by audiences across the world. Johansson already has a twin but there is no mistaking that these two strong women operate as a sisterly act.
It is a dream come true working with Scarlett.
In many
interviews Johansson speaks fondly of Moneymaker, saying they “finish their each other’s moves like other people finish each other’s sentences”, which couldn’t be true enough during the filming of
Avengers: Age Of Ultron when Johansson was pregnant and Moneymaker stood in for her more so than usual, “She really took the blows for me, and I stepped in afterward and filled in all the pieces,” says Johansson.
Heidi Moneymaker (left) on the set of Captain America: Civil War with Scarlett Johansson (right)
Moneymaker is currently on the set of Captain America: Civil War, filming her 5th movie as the Black Widow. In between takes, Moneymaker talks to Cake Oven’s reporter and Marvel super fan Kenny Williams to give you an exclusive insight into Heidi Moneymaker’s life as a stunt performer and an Avenger.
Scarlett Johansson said in an interview that you’re the “bun to her hotdog” and that she “could never do half” of what she does without you. What is it like working with her?
It is a dream come true working with Scarlett. She is an amazing actress, she is gorgeous, and she works so hard when training as the Black Widow. We do a lot of drills and high endurance work, and then we work through her fight choreography until she is ready for camera. She is very good about giving me credit in interviews, which doesn’t always happen.
It takes a whole team to make these movies. We had a second stunt double on Age of Ultron, her name is Helen Bailey and we had a second double on Captain America: Winter Soldier by the name of Amy Johnston. Both are very talented and were very important to making the films what they are. It’s funny, often stunt doubles, or those who only worked a small portion of the film, will do an interview and not mention their team. I am so thankful for my team!
Heidi Moneymaker (right) training Scarlett Johansson (left) for Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Double-take: It’s not Scarlett Johansson but Heidi Moneymaker, performing a motorcycle stunt as Black Widow for Avengers: Age Of Ultron

You and Scarlett have created such a unique fighting style for the Black Widow that’s very acrobatic and is now signature to her character in every film – how did you develop her fighting style?
The Black Widow style was created on Iron Man 2. They wanted her to be very seductive, but also fierce. We landed on a fight style that incorporates wrestling and judo moves, hand to hand combat, and intricate pieces that involve her using her brain over braun. My favourite Black Widow stunt was wearing a dress on the first Avengers movie.

How much training goes into preparing for movies like The Avengers, Winter Soldier and Age Of Ultron?
A lot of time is spent working out the wire gags, fight choreography, and general action tone of these movies. It takes months to prep before we shoot.
Your sister Renae Moneymaker is also a stunt performer, having doubled for Jennifer Lawrence in two X-Men films (First Class, Days Of Future Past) and The Hunger Games films – you two should really co-star in a movie! Have you had the opportunity to work on a film together?
We would love to star in our own movie. We actually shot a short film together last summer. It is on Youtube. It is called, “Behind Every Great Man”. We do get to work together sometimes. We worked on Furious 7 and Mocking Jay together last year.
Renae Moneymaker, stunt double for Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique in X-Men: Days Of Future Past
Heidi Moneymaker in a flying kick, fighting alongside her sister Renae Moneymaker in their short film ‘Behind Every Great Man’
How did you become a stunt performer?
When I was competing for UCLA on the gymnastics team I met a lot of former gymnasts that had become stunt performers and it sounded like a job I would love… which I do. I started out doing mostly gymnastics related stunts and as I worked more, I realized the skills I would need. I started training in kickboxing and working with any stunt performer who was a martial artist so I could learn movie fighting.
I trained with a lot of other stunt men and women and learned reactions, the proper way to take a hit and to fall correctly. I also trained high falls, air rams and I took quite a few stunt driving courses. The most rewarding part of my career is that I get to remain an athlete. I truly loved every part of my gymnastics career and was very upset when I had to let it go. I found a very nice replacement.
Heidi Moneymaker dressed as the Black Widow in Avengers: Age Of Ultron
Scarlett Johansson as the Black Widow in Avengers: Age Of Ultron
You have a very dangerous job with a lot of high risks, have you ever had any “close calls”?
I have had a few close calls, but luckily I am still here with all my limbs working. The job is risky, but it is a calculated risk. We put a lot of time and effort into making our stunts as “safe” as possible. Unfortunately, it’s not only always an exact science.
Because you have a job that’s so physically demanding, do you have a secret to keeping healthy during shoots?
My secret to staying healthy during shoots is consistency. I stay on a very clean diet year round. I train as much as possible during the shoot, sometimes even splitting my workouts so I can get them in. Most importantly, I stretch and get sleep.
What is your advice to those who want to enter the stunt profession?
My advice for anyone wanting to be a stunt performer is to train in Judo, learn how to flip, roll, and fall, and always be humble.
Black Widow dive rolls across a scooter and it’s owner on the set of Civil War

You’re currently on set again shooting stunts as the Black Widow. What is it like being reunited with the Marvel cast and crew for Captain America: Civil War?
I can’t really say anything… But I will tell you that this is a great cast and I am so happy and thankful to be a part of it!
Heidi Moneymaker (left) on the set of Captain America: Civil War with Scarlett Johansson (right)
What films can we see you in next?
Age of Ultron, Mocking Jay, Hail Caesar, Ted 2 and soon…. Captain America: Civil War
Revealing how much hard work she puts into this role is proof that, not only how worryingly badass Moneymaker is and that challenging her to a duel would result in humiliating defeat, but how crucial she is to bringing to life the beautiful but deadly essence of Natasha Romanoff.
Heidi Moneymaker is just as much the Black Widow as Scarlett Johansson is and that together these two are entirely complimentary. Our favourite Avenger as we know her on screen could not possibly exist without either of these incredible women. Together they truly are … Avengers.
Great article. Very thorough and informative. There was a shoot at The Georgian Terrace hotel on the set of “The Change Up” when Scarlett came in to see Ryan Reynolds. She walked down the hallway to the elevator, close to when the day was to be wrapped. It was perhaps that very night that they ended their relationship. I sure miss the ATL. working on the set. The last fun set that I was on was for “Dumb & Dumber To” as a stand-in for Jim Carrey.