5 reasons for you (and your house) to love Kmart

Photo 15-02-15 6 25 35 pm

I may have referenced this in a previous post, but I have recently come to terms with the fact that Kmart is probably my all time favourite shop. Not only is it super cheap, but it’s really upping its game in the homewares department these days – I’ve come across many a thing that is 99% the same as a much more expensive version in another shop. Of course, it does have some downsides – I have a plethora of novelty items, mini bottles, coloured mini kitchen tongs, and mugs squirrelled away in our house because, well, as I say “you’ve got to spend money to save money”. (Note: I say downsides, but to me these are actually all positives. Kmart can do no wrong in my eyes)

So to enlighten you (and to justify my many shopping trips), I bring you: 5 reasons to love Kmart

1. These nana chic mirrors (is nana chic a thing? Let’s make it a thing)

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These will only set you back $16. We are a reasonably short statured household, but the great thing about these is that since there are 3 of them, everyone is bound to be able to see at least part of their face at one of the heights!

2. This totes adorbs night light

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The amount of light that this wee guy gives out is debatable, but, um, it’s adorable and $6 so who even cares, why not buy a whole flock of them. (Update: I have done some research on The Google Machine and it would appear that a group of rabbits is called a nest. Aww)

3. These storage jars

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Unfortunately I couldn’t buy these as we had no more available storage space. However, I’ve done a bit of reorganising and have a shelf that now needs filling with things. So I may get my way and go back to buy a set of these $17 bargains.

4. This sausage dog thing

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This has a uselessness factor of 10/10 but who doesn’t love a sausage dog? Unlike a real one this one only costs $9 and won’t shit on your carpet

5. This bird print

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This is now above our spare bed, and did get a reasonably cold reception from the room’s most frequent visitor who deemed it slightly creepy but I don’t care, I love it. I may even swap it up with the zebra print in our living room. There are also matching mugs and cushions if you want to theme your whole house (why wouldn’t you?)

BONUS On my way to the checkout I found probably the most amazing socks ever. I’m not even ashamed to admit that I bought some. You should buy some too.



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