The newest trailer for Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron is out with never seen before footage that could be very big clues to fans as what to expect next…
And I think I know exactly what those clues are.
Are you sure you really want to know?
Okay, let’s go. [big fat spoilers ahead]
UPDATED January 29 2015
Everyone creates the thing they dread,
Says Ultron in his sinister, thick and gravelly tone voiced by James Spader as the trailer plays out.
We know from the official movie synopsis that when Tony Stark jumpstarts a dormant peacekeeping program in the form of a robot named Ultron, things go extremely wrong when this artificial intelligence decides that saving the world means humanity’s extinction.
But why go to such lengths to create Ultron? Saving the world is tough and The Avengers can’t be every where at once. Wouldn’t it just be like a “billionaire-playboy-philanthropist” such as Tony Stark to give himself, and his fellow Avengers, a well-deserved holiday after saving New York from an alien invasion? Stark’s thoughts are made clear on this, echoing;
This vulnerable world needs something more powerful than us,
We see Ultron unleashing his terrifying power and Iron Man being blasted against a wall (the scene in the trailer is cut to look like it’s Scarlet Witch who is blasting him but close analysis shows the Scarlet Witch’s scene takes place outside while Ultron blasting and Iron Man being blasted takes place inside).
The mystery woman undressing in a dark cave is an interesting addition to this trailer (we’ll get to her possible identity in a moment). A popular belief is that this cave could be in the fictional nation of Wakanda, Africa which in the comics is a kingdom protectively isolated from the rest of the world and ruled by King T’Challa also known as superhero the Black Panther, who will be introduced in Captain America 3 and leading a solo film in 2017 by the same name starring Chadwick Boseman. Wakanda is known for having the world’s only source of Vibranium, the rare metal that makes Captain America’s shield. It’s also popularly theorised that Ultron could be seeking to use this metal to complete his more evolved form, making him almost invincible.
So who is the woman? Two possible options:
The Dora Milaje
The Dora Milaje are an elite task force of women that act as bodyguards to Wakanda’s monarch Black Panther. The Dora Milaje are fierce combatants and one of them has single-handedly beaten Black Widow which, given the latter’s deadly experience, is very rare. They would certainly be a welcome addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe!
Shuri is sister to T’Challa in the comic books and for a time takes up the Black Panther mantel also as well as temporary rule as Queen of Wakanda. It could be that we see her on screen as an introduction to her brother’s story.
You’ve meddled with something you don’t understand,
Thor says and we see a scene where he grabs Tony Stark by the throat. Leaked information reveals that the “dormant peacekeeping program” that Tony tampered with is an alien computer program recovered from the Chitauri’s invasion of New York, those hella ugly alien bad dudes from the first Avengers film.
Why that information is believable is because firstly in Season One of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. we know that Chitauri technology scavenged after the ‘Battle of New York’ is being sold on the black market. Secondly, this leaked plot detail is very similar to a storyline The Avengers director Joss Whedon wrote for the Astonishing X-Men comic book series in which Professor X tampered with an alien computer program and used it selfishly for his own means, before the program gained sentience to exact revenge on its creator.
(UPDATED Jan 29 2015)
We have no place in the world
In the comics, Natasha is much older and was born around 1928 as Natalia Alianovna Romanova. She was kidnapped at an early age by Baron Von Strucker and trained as an assassin. She was also adopted into the secret Soviet “Red Room” academy where she was trained and brainwashed to be a spy / sleeper agent in the Black Widow programme by none other than Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier (who also becomes her lover). She was surgically enhanced to be like Captain America and to age slowly, explaining her youthful appearance in present day. Natasha was brainwashed to believe she was a ballerina to maintain her cover and loyalty as an agent.

No matter what they have planned I am ridiculously excited to see what happens in the next chapter of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
One of Cake Oven’s writers Xenojay also has a detailed breakdown the Age of Ultron trailer for you, too.
What are you looking forward to seeing in Avengers: Age of Ultron? Comment below!
Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron opens in New Zealand cinemas April 23rd 2015.
Why the Hulk suit? Obviously specially designed to ‘try’ and pacify an angry Hulk, plus it looks cool. Wouldn’t speed and agility win out against the Hulk, so one of the regular iron man suits be a more viable option. While we are at it, at the end of IM3 didn’t Stark recognize that he didn’t need 40-50 different suits and grew as a person by blowing them all up? Now he is back to making variants? Whats up with that?
I’ll tap in on this one!
The hardest question when it comes to the Marvel Movie Universe is what continuities we’re working with. With that in mind, it adds a huge amount of variables to each character and no doubt creates a lot of guessing over what will happen next, which is great! Because this is what SHOULD happen as it keeps it fresh!
SO on that note, I’ll take a swing at some ideas from the comics they may be using for the film:
– If they’re truly following comic-Hulk, then you’re dealing with a rage monster who has no limit. The angrier he gets, the stronger he gets. Hence him getting downed by the Chitauri in ‘The Avengers’ but then suddenly being back-up to train-running, building-jumping speed to save Iron Man at the end.
This is issue number 1 when confronting the Hulk. While a lighter and faster suit may sound advantageous, if the Hulk manages to get one hit or grab in, you’re done.
– Yes, Tony did destroy his armoury at the end of ‘Iron Man 3’, but it doesn’t mean he won’t have some auxiliary suits on stand-by.
In the comics, he’s always had a Hulkbuster armour ready should Bruce ever lose control, so this is a nice nod to that (Also in the comics, there’s countless characters with Hulk-level power so it’s more for them now as well). It’s also playing into elements of what ‘Captain America: Civil War’ may be about.
I hope that helps!
Tony Stark is a self-inflated egomaniac and thinks erratically, as a genius does. As he said in the first movie “I am Iron Man”, giving that up wouldn’t be as easy as blowing up his suits. He also built a suit from “a bunch of scraps” in a cave with very little resources in the first Iron Man film, it wouldn’t take him long to build another suit with the billions of dollars and resources he has.
As for the Hulk, his strength is immeasurable as the “strongest one there is”, according to comic book lore. You’re gonna need someone or some thing heavy duty to take on the Hulk. We also know the Scarlet Witch is against The Avengers in this movie, for those who don’t know about her, let’s just say it’s possible for her to put someone under her “spell” … even if you’re a Hulk. Maybe that’s what we’re seeing here? But as XenoJay said, Hulk is a rage monster and we know rage and rationale don’t necessarily walk hand-in-hand.