What I Learnt From Magic Mike XXL


Magic Mike XXL.

What a film.

After the very (as much as it could be) serious first film came out; riddled with drugs, personal growth and “get the girl” scenarios interspersed with male entertainers entertaining the hell out of us, one could only think it’s follow-up film would fall into the same rabbit hole (sick movie reference).

Instead we’re taken on “one last trip” with a pack of brothers who find their happy ending through a journey that solidifies the bond they’ve created together with such intensity that if you split it, it would explode in a mushroom cloud of awesome-ness.

And male entertainment.

After having been heavily entertained by this film, I found myself thinking “WOW. There’s so much in here that we could learn from!” because that’s how that works AND SO!

Here’s what I learnt from Magic Mike XXL:

  • “I Love You, Bro”

Do you have bros?

Is bro in this context actually short-form for “brother”?

If so, have you let them know that you love them? (Either sober or with certain substances assisting you?)

In a great scene where the lads are celebrating the start of their trip, a moment of unity occurs and feelings are put on the line. With Mike (Channing Tatum) declaring his love for his bro’s, he removes the tension built after he left the Kings Of Tampa and ignores the ingrained social machismo men are raised with.

“I love you, bro”. Easy.

  • Sing For Your Lover

The character Ken (Matt Bomer) has his background updated with the film introducing the fact that this guy has a really nice singing voice.

Now I’m not saying you have to have a nice singing voice, but there’s a scene where Ken sings to a Queen (will get to this point eventually) to have her see herself as the sensual being she is, and I think this is something we could do for all our Queen’s out there.

Whether her reaction be a slightly embarrassed laugh at your attempt to serenade her, or a full-blown meltdown into your arms, why not charm her with that one song you guys share Acapella?

Because damn it man, she is worth it.

  • Make Your Introduction Magical

When Mike first meets the character Zoe (Amber Heard), they have a little riff-off over what their Drag Queen name would be.

The characters eventually meet again, connect and finally feel ready to introduce themselves to one another. When this occurs, Mike makes sure he does it in the best way possible.

While more dramatic than what an introduction needs to be, it’s simply pointing out that when you introduce yourself to someone of interest, why not make it “magical“.

  • Male Grooming Tips

When the Kings catch up with a girl that’s caught Tito’s (Adam Rodriguez) eye, they also meet her mother (Andie MacDowell) who’s currently entertaining a group of friends.
As they all settle in, openly talking about their lives and troubles, Richie (Joe Manganiello) lets the Queens know that his forest is cleaned every 3 days, and if that’s not happening with their men then why should they worry about theirs?

A nice piece on equality and communication, BDR takes it to the male viewers to question their own grooming habits and why should their loved ones in the life do this if they’re not?
It also says to talk to them because hey! They might like the forest with some foliage.

But you’re not gonna find out if you don’t…I don’t know, ask.

  • Go Down The Rabbit Hole

How wonderfully succinct that is, right?

The Kings think Mike is off his game and offer him a speech of joining them in the rabbit hole. While hesitant at first, Mike eventually comes around and jumps in headfirst dragging them all with him.

When you’re off your game, sometimes you need to do something a little outside of the norm to make you feel normal again, and that’s exactly what Mike does.

  • Support & Celebrate Your Bros

In a moment when Richie doubts his own skill, the Kings rally around and convince him that this is something he was made for.

As they push Richie outside of his comfort zone, they celebrate his discovery and with their support, Richie sees a brighter day ahead.

Support your friends when they doubt themselves and celebrate their shine when it comes out!

  • Keep It Simple, Stupid

Related to the above when Richie is doubting himself, Mike pushes BDR to make a store clerk smile. While she looks like someone who may not be having the greatest day, Mike challenges BDR to the simple fact that he could make her day just by tying his shoelace.

And that’s the crux of it.

Keep it simple. You don’t need to do anything grand to impress your Queen! Simply being there or picking a flower from some garden will be enough to make her smile. Hell, maybe you’ll even figure out a way to make her smile by tying your shoelace.

  • Have Some Dance Moves In Your Repertoire

Now I’m not saying you have to dance as well as Magic Mike, but have you seen how Queens melt when he moves?

So learn some moves! They don’t have to be advanced or exuberant, but if they have rhythm and can help you pull your Queen in close for some 1-on-1, then maybe in that moment you might just be a little magic yourself.

  • All Women Are Queens And Don’t Forget It

My favourite part of the film.

All women are Queens.

After Mike reappears in her life, we are introduced to the character Rome (Jada Pinkett-Smith) who is fierce as all-Hell!
Running her own Entertainment Service, her main message is to show all Queens who walk into her castle that they are exactly that.

They are all Queens.

And this is ultimately the best and biggest message the film delivers, doing so constantly after Rome is introduced to remind us all of the greatness that are the Queens in our lives.

You are all Queens. And you are all beautiful.


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