For those of you who might not know, New Zealand has a thriving street art and graffiti community with some very talented artists leaving their mark on our streets.
I’m really excited about bringing this to the attention of a wider audience through Cake Oven (cheers Cate!) and will be bringing you news of upcoming events, photos from street art festivals, artist interviews and basically whatever I think you might like!
Here are a few (a very few, I take far too many photos!) of some of my shots of street art and graffiti around New Zealand.

Mica Still for All Fresco 2014

Collaboration between Askew and Elliot Francis Stewart, Glen Innes 2014

BMD in Christchurch for RISE 2014

Askew in Christchurch for RISE 2014

Owen Dippie for All Fresco Festival 2014

Gary Silipa, Misery and Tom Tom – Corbans Estate Arts Centre 2014

Benjamin Work for Graffiato 2014

TMD Revok tribute – featuring Askew Sofles Haser Phat1 & Berst

Charles (aka Phat1)and Janine Williams for All Fresco 2014

TrustMe from Cut Collective’s message to Andarko – Ponsonby

Cinzah working on his collab with Beastman for Graffiato 2013 in Taupo

Erin Forsyth at work for Graffiato 2013, Taupo

Xoe Hall for Graffiato 2013

Haser and Berst collab – Glen Innes 2014

“Graff Alley” part of the exhibition in the Canterbury Museum for RISE 2014