As you know by now, Katy Perry led the American Hand Egg Half Time Singalong and she nailed it.
She smashed it. Lenny smashed it. Missy smashed it. If you haven’t seen it, here:
Now that we’re all on the same page, here are some of the best moments you might have missed…
You probably didn’t miss the fact she came in on a bad-ass motherfucking Illuminati TIGER. But did you notice the puppeteers?
Those guys are magicians. one stationed on each leg, moving it with poles connected to its feet, all while attempting to appear invisible.
Moving on, the 3D mapping and artistry hasn’t been this good since Beyonce’s Billboard Music Awards in ’11.
Looks simple, but represents hundreds of hours of mapping, projecting, fixing, remapping, crying, projecting, fixing, rehearsing, drinking, remapping, swearing, remapping and projecting.
Did anyone else notice how huge Lenny’s balls of fire were? Huge.

Great balls of fire
Then Katy kicked her backup dancer in the tit.
Grin through the pain, babe.
Missy came out and killed it. I don’t even need to say anything here because this performance was what middle-class America deserved and so much more.
Finally, did you see the shark on the left that couldn’t dance?
If you were wondering that was me in tha Shark costume !!
— Snoop Dogg (@SnoopDogg)
Snoop Dogg retweeted me once. True story.
I love this. I was sad that I hadn’t watched the performance, but now I feel much better that I’ve seen the highlights. And what highlights they are! Top marks Katy Perry.