DIY Valentine’s Gifts you’ve still got time to make for your Bae (and don’t suck)

Pokeball rose DIY.

Welcome to The Weekly Pinterest, a weekly round-up of some junk on Pinterest. Pinterest is this sprawling beast of a social network – you go looking for jam recipes, and before you know it you’ve fallen into a wormhole of educational activities for homeschoolers. True story.

Let’s make like Buzzfeed and scrape the best bits into one handy-dandy post.

We’re kicking things off with a conveniently-seasonal post. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! You’ve still got time to make these DIY gifts for your bae. They don’t require a lot of time, money, or even skill, and most importantly, they don’t suck. Here we go!


Pokeball rose DIY.

Buy a fake flower and paint it like a Pokeball. EXTRA FOR EXPERTS: Buy a plastic train and paint it like a Pokeball? I choo-choo-choose you? Too far? Moving on.

What if you love them, but their keyboard is filthy? Make them cleaning slime!

Homemade cleaning slime

JOKES, they know that’s commercially available, their keyboard is filthy because they like it that way.

Can’t be bothered? Have a printer? Run off a free printable and pin it up. Awwwww. Seriously, if someone gave this to me, I would cry, hang it up and never take it down.

>Easy Valentine's Day printable.

Have a printer, AND some MP3s, AND love your bae? Make them a mix tape, stick it on a USB, and stick that in this printable “mix tape” box. (Alternatively: scribble the Spotify playlist URL inside?)

mix tape printable

Except if you do this one, you have to promise you’ll never break up with them, lest you ruin a favourite song forever.

So they like music? Destroy their headphones!

Lego headphones DIY

I don’t endorse this one, my lover would not stand for hot glue anywhere near his posh headphones. Maybe buy them new headphones first? Hmmm.

Or, you could just give them a friendship bracelet! I’d loose my shit if someone gave me one of these.

Friendship bracelet how to

This next gift says: “I follow your instagram feed and have access to photoshop,” but it says that in a non-creepy way.

Instagram Photo Booth tutorial

Here’s a bookmark if you don’t do gifts, you know, but it’s nice to do something

Printable bookmark


EXTRA FOR EXPERTS: tuck it into a book on the Oregon Trail?

And here’s the greatest Valentine’s Day gift of all time: adult macaroni art.

macaroni art for adults


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