October 21, 2015: A Back to the Future Homage Round-Up

The future is here. October 21, 2015 has been and gone. I’m assuming you all know what I’m talking about because: internet. People and companies the world over have being jumping on the Back to the Future bandwagon so we did you all a favour and sourced ten of the best tributes to BTTF and 21 October.

ONE. Toyota basically created a car to rival the DeLorean. I mean, it doesn’t fly, but it does run on garbage just like Doc’s did. They marked the event with a kick-ass advertising campaign, launching teasers a few weeks ago and following up with a four minute video featuring none other than Doc, Marty, and a scientist dude from Toyota (the brains behind the garbage car). You can read more about the campaign here, otherwise feast your eyes on this scientific, creative, futuristic goodness:

TWO. The South Australia five-oh get creative fighting (fashion) crimes. I love it when the police and the fire departments and all those other people that fight crime and save lives do cute stuff like this. Hey, look at us! We’re hip! We’re cool! We’ve got a low-salaried graduate on our Twitter machine keeping us relevant with the kids! But all jokes aside, you guys are cute.


THREE. Self-lacing boots are a THING. Like, they actually exist now thanks to Nike (go, you good things). But unfortunately us mere mortals aren’t gonna get our hands on any – only a very limited number of pairs have been made and if you want some, see you at the auction! Having said that though, all proceeds will be going to the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. And don’t you worry, MJF was gifted the very first pair *tear*. Find out more about those futuristic babies here.


FOUR. Obama further cemented his Cool Dad status by weighing in on Twitter. Big ups to you, POTUS.


FIVE. And while we’re on the Twitter machine… Best hashtag of the day was definitely #backtothefutureasong – BOOM.


SIX. They’re home to Drake, legit maple syrup, and now a lol-tastic government. Canada’s law makers issued an official recall for all DeLorean DMC-12’s, citing issues with possible time travel. You guuuuuuys, stoppit! Canadia, eh?


SEVEN. Ubers, Wifi, Twerking, Selfies. This is the REAL 2015. Youtube funny guys, Safety Patrol, are just as disgusted as the rest of us at today’s trends…

EIGHT. Pepsi tried to be Perfect but sort of failed. And so Pepsi Perfect was launched buuuut then it sold out in a flash and everybody was really bummed. But never fear! They’re releasing more in November which is cool but not really that cool because the whole point of buying a Pepsi Perfect was the fact that you got to do it on the same day as Marty McFly, amirite?


NINE. Wellington Iron Man had a birthday and was super cute as per. I mean, come on. That smile! He’s like a kid in a candy shop.


TEN. And of course most importantly, the crew reunited. And we all got a little bit (OK, a lot) teary. You go do you, guys. We love you.

- New York, NY - 10/21/15 - Cast and filmmakers to attend celebration of the Back To The Future 30th Anniversary Trilogy. -PICTURED: Huey Lewis, Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd and Lea Thompson -PHOTO by: Matthew Taplinger/Starpix -FILENAME: MT_15_000376.JPG -Location: AMC Loews Lincoln Square 13 Startraks Photo New York, NY For licensing please call  or email  Image may not be published in any way that is or might be deemed defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification or question you may have. Startraks Photo reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this image. If you violate our intellectual property you may be liable for actual damages, loss of income, and profits you derive from the use of this image, and where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or statutory damages.

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