Victory fanfare! Final Symphony coming to NZ

Prepare your ears, young soldiers.
Prepare your ears, young soldiers.

Final Fantasy’s epic tunes will be heard in Aotearoa, with an orchestral flourish.
The globetrotting Final Symphony tour will touch down for its New Zealand premiere during Armageddon festivities in October next year, thanks to an arrangement between the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra and Auckland Live.

Our friends at PlayStation NZ tell us this sweet suite will feature pieces from FF VI, VII, and X.

Why are we hearing about this 21/10/16 gig so early? Because tickets are on sale very soon. Get in there before your chances/chocobos run out. Hit-up Ticketmaster from Monday, September 28, and be prepared to part with $35-75 for each bottom you want to put in a seat.

Until then, wrap your ears around this:

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