The new PlayStation 4’s all grown up

Bungie's Destiny brings you to space. The PS4's destiny brings you more space.
Bungie's Destiny brings you to space. The PS4's destiny brings you more space.

What do you think of when you hear the word terabyte? PlayStation’s opening the cage door and unleashing its biggest PS4 ever. To be clear and fair, I don’t mean a house-sized console with enough room to house a family of six. Sorry. We are not Sims, and the Auckland housing crisis will have to be resolved some other way.

Rather, the big blue beast of gaming is taking its quite-regularly-sized console and increasing its storage capacity to a thumping one terabyte. Twice the storage space, so potentially up to twice as many games that could be sitting on your console for instant play, and fewer tense moments spent trying to free-up memory because you just downloaded a new set of underpants for your Destiny avatar.

The PlayStation 4 Ultimate Player 1TB Edition arrives in New Zealand on July 15, and we in the Cake Oven bad puns department are tera-bly excited to see the undisputed champion of PlayStation terror bites finally being challenged for supremacy.

Yeah, you know what we mean.

S’cuse me while I hide behind the couch for a couple of weeks.

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