The long thought dead film Deadpool has returned from the grave with a vengeance!
Which is ironic, because Deadpool can’t die.
But 20th Century Fox, Reynolds, Director Tim Miller and Marvel have all but rejuvenated the ‘Merc With A Mouth’ with enough hype and bullets to bring down a really, really big thing!
We’ve had material like this test footage being ‘leaked” which ended up getting a green-light for the production:
And this great ‘April Fool’s’ piece from Extra TV which not only shows the REAL COSTUME being used, but confirms that the movie is R-Rated leading us towards a belief that “YES! They’ll nail it with this movie!”
But even with all this really great stuff being released, it’s still exciting to see pictures from the set appear because this means “HOLY SH*T, THEY’RE ACTUALLY MAKING IT AND DOING IT RIGHT”.
Images like this one to the right where Deadpool is all “PEW PEW PEW” and it appears there’s a green suit underneath which probably means there’s a lot of blood coming from it because CGI-wizadry!
Or this image to the left where he’s all like “FLAPJACK FLIPPITY FLAP” because he’s Deadpool and he can do that.
Alternatively to our right again readers, there’s this one where it looks like Deadpool will take you out on a date and treat you right because I hate to tell you this…he’s pregnant.
Finally though, there’s this image below where HIS GODDAMN WHITE-LENS EYES ARE MISSING.
Why’s that though?
That would be because the CGI-Wizard returns and they’re motion-tracking his eyes so they can animate the heck out of them like the little dancing dolls in ‘It’s A Small World’.
Test Footage that portrays the character correctly and looks to be emulated with the set shots we’re seeing, along with a star who’s confident in a TRUE representation of Wade Wilson, the Deadpool film looks ready to blow up the box-office next year!