3D Printed Sculptures Are Alive!

3D printed sculptures by John Edmark

It’s times like these I wish I’d paid more attention in maths.

John Edmark – designer, inventor, artist and teacher at Stanford University – has combined the power of mathematics and 3D printing to create a captivating series of artworks that come alive under a strobe light. Almost.

What makes his art so powerful is the perfect arrangement of all the bits in a mathematical formula called Fibonacci’s Sequence. Put simply, the sequence starts with two ones, then each digit that follows is the sum of the previous two (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 …). This sequence apparently occurs naturally all over the show in nature – pine cones, nautilus shells, sunflower heads, broccoli.

Don’t ask me how numbers are related to Mother’s Natural creations – if I’d managed more than 57% in Bursary stats then I might have an answer for you. However this witchcraft works, Edmark has applied it to his art, which means when he spins his 3D sculptures under a strobe light, Fibonacci’s Sequence makes them come to life.

Whatever makes Fibonacci’s Sequence work naturally looks incredible artificially. Watch the video below and read the original article to experience your own mind explosion.

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