Fishy Blues: The reason I miss fish

Grayson, the fish, playing Pokemon Red. Photo /

I may seem a bit weird as I’m talking about fish in a gaming section.

This is not, however, a farce. I’m talking about legitimate fish, and these fish who play games.

As part of a summit in America called HackNY, two very creative beings made the concept of fish being able to play simple games by using a motion sensor camera.

They followed this up by buying a fish and subsequently connected it to a 24/7 online streaming feed, while it played Pokemon Red.

Many enjoyed watching Grayson, the fish, make his way around Pallet Town.

There were rumours that he made it out of Pallet Town and into the following Viridian City, but I’ve never seen it and refuse to believe it.

Sadly, Grayson is currently offline.

The idea was, of course, replicated and two fish were pit together in a fight for the death.

I’m, of course, talking about Robert the Bruce and A.G. Aquarius playing Street Fighter 2.

These fish have been able to captivate me for many hours, but alas they are all offline, awaiting fresh seasons.

I hope you’ll share in the joy with me when they make their triumphant return!

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