5 costumes for your cat (because who doesn’t secretly love a cat in a costume)

ebay pikachu cat costume

I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in my enjoyment for a good old fashioned cat costume (… however I could well be alone in my willingness to publicise it) so, for your afternoon enjoyment (and to save your internet history from the apparently NSFW Google search of “cat costume”), I have scoured the interwebs for you to bring you 5 kitteh costumes that your cat would love* to wear.

*I can’t actually guarantee this, but I can assure you that while your cat may be unhappy to be put in a costume, it lacks the dexterity to get itself out of it, therefore will tolerate wearing it until you’ve taken enough photos to get one good enough to go on Instagram.

1. Pikachu Cat

ebay pikachu cat costume


Pikachu Cat looks like it would rather be anywhere other than inside this Pikachu head… going to the vets? Yep. On the way to the cattery? Absolutely. In the bathroom while you’re trying to go to the loo? Actually, I think that’s just normal for cats all the time.

2. Peacock Cat

ebay peacock cat

I can only hope that this is a lady cat, otherwise it’s a whole new level of cruel. Although it does have that deer in the headlights “I’ve-just-been-caught” face on… if cats were able to get themselves dressed I’d say maybe this one had snuck into the missus’s wardrobe while she was at work and wasn’t expecting her home so early…

3. Sailor Cat

ebay sad cat sailor

This cat is seriously contemplating throwing himself overboard to avoid anymore humiliation, which would be a cat-astrophe (ha!) because he looks so adorable.

4. Lion Cat

ebay lion mane costume


Cat not furry enough? Buy him a wig. There is a pur-sability that this will make him fur-ious but who doesn’t secretly want a mini lion? I would particularly enjoy this on a rex cat (as an aside, how much does this rex cat look like Yoda – it doesn’t even need a costume).

And finally… the ultimate insult…

5. Dog Cat

ebay catdog costume

You do this to you cat, and you’re definitely in line for a hairball on your pillow.

Just because I can’t resist, here are my cats dressed up for Christmas (they got a bit camera shy, no idea why)

spud dingo

Do you have any pictures of your cats in costumes? Email them to me at [email protected] to give them their five minutes of shame fame

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